There are a number of ways to get your views across to your representatives in the legislature, either through mail, e-mail, telephone or personal contact. The following are a few tips from professional lobbyists to make sure you make the most of your attempt at being heard:

UNDERSTAND THE ISSUE - Read and understand the bill, know why you support it or oppose it, know how it impacts you. Get a copy of the legislation, read it beforehand and know the opposing view.

TIME IS PRECIOUS - Legislators are usually busy from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. during the legislative sessions. Call ahead of time in order to have an opportunity to see your legislator. Otherwise, you may be lucky to get only a couple of minutes. In any event, you should be brief and get quickly to the point.

SHOW RESPECT FOR THE LEGISLATORS AND THE COMMITTEES - Listen to their views without becoming argumentative. Get to know them and their staffs; this will help the communication process and bolster your chances of success.

BE FACTUAL AND HONEST by providing accurate information. Don’t ruin your credibility with inaccuracies. Moreover, don’t stray from the issue on your agenda.

BE POSITIVE by going in confident that you will be able to persuade your legislator to agree with your position.

IF YOUR LEGISLATOR DOES NOT COMMIT firmly to your position, stay in contact by providing more information on the issue and having others write letters who support you.

IN THE END, THANK YOUR LEGISLATOR for listening to your argument, even if he or she does not agree with you. Thank-you notes are uncommon and often remembered.

Introduction | Table of Contents | Citizen Advocacy | Dealing with Legislators | Communication | Decision Makers | Marketing Tips | Educating Decision Makers | Political Environment | Support Base | Advisory Boards | Perceptions | Ideas | Resource Links | Challenge | Credits

Prepared by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals