JCEP Challenge 2006

The Public Affairs Committee is challenging every state to get 100% of their members to accept the Challenge 2006 to INFORM, INVOLVE AND EDUCATE PUBLIC POLICYMAKERS!

Become Informed

Inform Policymakers

Involve Policymakers

Get Involved as a Citizen and Voice Your Opinions

For More Information

“So You Want to Make a Difference,” N. Amidei, OMB Watch, 1731 Connecticut Ave. N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009-1146
“Citizens and Politics,” Kettering Foundation, 200 Commons Rd. Dayton, Ohio 45459-2799
“Communicating with Decision Makers,” Michigan State University Extension, 323 Natural Resources, East Lansing, MI 48824-1222

Introduction | Table of Contents | Citizen Advocacy | Dealing with Legislators | Communication | Decision Makers | Marketing Tips | Educating Decision Makers | Political Environment | Support Base | Advisory Boards | Perceptions | Ideas | Resource Links | Challenge | Credits

Prepared by the Joint Council of Extension Professionals