What do you think of when you hear the word “opportunity?” How about a chance to learn, network, meet new people, try something new, find out something to make your easier and job better, and be inspired?
The Alpha Gamma Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) will be the host of the National ESP Conference in Virginia Beach, Virginia October 27-31, 2024.
The planning committee is working to finalize speakers who will inspire you, help increase your leadership knowledge, and more. We have narrowed down tours that will show you the history, agricultural products, environmental aspects of the Chesapeake Bay, art, culture, communities, families, youth, and more. We have so much we want to share with you. There may also be a chance to add a bit of Spooktacular fun to the conference during Halloween.
Also, you know Epsilon Sigma Phi committees will provide a myriad of presentations and posters to meet your professional development needs, recognize our amazing colleagues with awards, and continue to enhance/contribute to our professional development.
Come early and stay late. Make plans to visit the other places in the Commonwealth of Virginia including, but certainly not limited to Williamsburg, Jamestown, Yorktown (the Historic Triangle), Monticello, Natural Bridge, Luray Caverns, our Wine, Brew, Civil War Trails, Tangier Island, and the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel, just to name a few. You can eat, drink, and enjoy Virginia. No matter what your likes, Virginia will have something for you to enjoy. After all, “Virginia is for [______] Lovers.” You fill in your blank!
The Alpha Gamma Chapter looks forward to seeing you in October of 2024 for an Ocean of Opportunities.
Submitted by David Ross, Resource Development Management - Affiliate Member
The Development Fund grew from conference contributions! Thank you – they provide more program support.
The 2022 National ESP Conference is now history but the 2023 Development Fund Campaign is off to a great start since June 1, 2022. Contributions from chapters and members for the 2023 campaign year are at $11,580 as of October 13, 2022, following the conference. An additional $450 was contributed at the end of the 2022 campaign which ended May 30th.
The auctions at conference did very well, raising $5,072.00. This contribution is split in half, so $2,536 will go the Development Fund and the Organizational Fund. In addition, a Raffle was held that raised $990.00.
The presidential wooden Key Plaque in recognition of the service of the national president, Karen Reddersen, raised $2,120, to date, that is included in contributions above. The conference pin has been a popular item and is still available for donations of $100 or more.
Fundraising totaled $14,566 for the Development Fund and $2,536 for the Organizational Fund so far. If you haven’t given in 2022, please consider an end of year tax-deductible contribution now. Support your profession. Log into ESPnational.org and go to “Donate Now for Members” at the bottom of the Home page. Payment by check means more money to ESP.
Earnings from the endowed Development Fund will provide $46,400 for 2023 professional development programs – scholarships, grants and stipends.
Submitted by Scholarships Grants and Recognition Committee
The following applications are due December 1. Do you have a program or professional development idea that needs funding? Do you need travel support to PILD or the 2023 ESP Conference in Billings Montana? Don't let this opportunity pass by without your participation. Additional conference scholarships are also available in the spring. Please check the Awards section on the ESP Website for information on all scholarships and grants.
PILD Scholarship Due December 1
Epsilon Sigma Phi, through the ESP Development Fund, has established this scholarship for eligible members to attend the Public Issues Leadership Development National Conference in order to become informed about and develop skills in responding to public issues and legislative matters affecting Extension programs and personal needs. The scholarship is to be used to defray the cost of attending the Public Issues Leadership Development Conference. Four scholarships of $600.00 each will be awarded annually.
Angus Professional Development Scholarship Due December 1
Epsilon Sigma Phi, through the ESP Development Fund, provides $4,000 annually to fund scholarships not to exceed $1,000 per member to encourage, stimulate, and support professional development through participation in courses, seminars, conferences or workshops.
There is currently a proposal working through committee to raise the amount of this scholarship to $1000. The proposed 2020 budget would increase the overall funding to $4000. Stay tuned for possible changes in this scholarship.
Professional Development Programming Grant Due December 1
The purpose of the Epsilon Sigma Phi Professional Development Grant is to stimulate development of Extension professionals. Grants will be awarded to interdisciplinary teams to plan and conduct a project with an appeal to a broad audience of Extension professionals. Through the ESP Development Fund, funding for at least four $1,000 grants is available annually and will be awarded through a competitive process.
Rita T Wood Grant Due December 1
The Rita T. Wood Grant is intended to provide funds for one or more grants per year to individual members or chapters of Epsilon Sigma Phi. Grants to a chapter may be for programs or activities supporting leadership development and chapter growth. Grants to individuals may be made for the leadership or professional development of others within ESP. Award amounts may vary. Current maximum annual grant award is $1250.00.
Visit the Award Section of the ESP Website for a list of all scholarships and grants.
Submitted by: Travis West, Professional Development Committee Chair
The ESP Professional Development Committee is seeking webinar proposals that will assist Extension educators with programming focusing on emerging issues and/or reaching new audiences. New for 2023, there will be two calls for webinars proposals: Winter 2022 submission and Spring 2023 submission. These webinars will be offered in Spring and Summer of 2023.
The lead presenter of the webinar must be an active ESP member. Proposals may be a presentation, panel discussion, or other methodology appropriate for a webinar. Topics could include but are not limited to innovative program ideas, management techniques, community issues, new technology or tools, and methods to reach diverse audiences. All proposals will go through a blind review process. Webinars must be a maximum of 60 minutes.
The Webinar Proposal Submission Deadline is December 1, 2022. Lead presenters will be notified by January 15, 2023. Webinars will be scheduled from February – June 2023 with lead presenters. For more information regarding the call for webinar proposal requirements and to submit a proposal visit: https://portal.espnational.org/Webinar-rfp
If you have questions, please contact Travis West, ESP Professional Development Committee Chair at west.222@osu.edu.
Submitted by Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee
Are you the membership committee chair for your chapter? Your National Membership Recruitment and Retention Committee members are offering three open house virtual events to answer your questions about membership recruitment, ESP website etc. Join the first opportunity on November 15th at 11 am PST at https://oregonstate.zoom.us/j/94099152216?pwd=bU5SSE1lT0NjWkx0ZWU1eEtoVyt5dz09 .
Get To Know Your New Board Members
Second Vice President - Jennifer Wilson, Kansas - Alpha Rho
Jennifer Wilson will serve as this year’s 2nd Vice
President. Jennifer has been a member of Kansas’ Alpha Rho
Chapter since 2000. She has served in multiple roles on the Chapter
level including; President-elect, President,
Past-President, Treasurer, Annalist/Historian, Annual Recognition
Banquet Committee Chair, ESP 80th Anniversary Committee Chair and ESP
Endowment Board Member and Chair. On the National level, Jennifer
was co-chair for the 2018 ESP National Conference and served as the
North Central Regional Vice President from 2020 to 2022. Jennifer
serves as the Leader for Extension Operations at Kansas State
University. She has been with K-State Research and Extension for 27
years, and served as a county 4-H agent, youth and families agent and
county director prior to taking her current position in 2018. Jennifer
and her husband, Donnie, live outside of Manhattan, Kansas. They have a
son, daughter and two beautiful granddaughters. During her term on
the board, Jennifer is looking forward to providing opportunities for
ESP members to enhance their core competency and leadership skills.
North Central Region Vice President - Barbara Dunn Swanson, Iowa - Alpha Mu
Barbara Dunn Swanson is a Human Sciences Specialist in Family Wellbeing with Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Barbara reaches parents, educators, community stakeholders, and youth with research-based information to empower people and grow lives. Barbara is a co-author of the Science of Parenting blog and is a certified Master Trainer for the national program Powerful Tools for Caregivers. Barbara has been an active member of ESP for 28 years. Barbara looks forward to representing the North Central Region and networking with members during her time on the board.
Southern Region Vice President - Tyrone Gentry, Kentucky - Alpha Kappa
Tyrone Gentry is a 28-year County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development serving in a rural Kentucky county. He has successfully received over $500,000 in grants and enjoys teaching youth leadership, natural resources and safety programs. He currently serves as the Secretary of the Progressive Agriculture Foundation and has reached over 10,000 youth with safety day programming. He has served as Kentucky’s ESP President. Tyrone looks forward most to learning and sharing success from the states of the Southern region.
Sponsored by Joint Council of Extension Professionals https://www.jcep.org/elc/2023
The Extension Leadership Conference Planning Committee is pleased to invite Extension Professional, specialists, and administrators to attend the 2023 Extension Leadership Conference. The purpose of the conference is to support and challenge Extension Professionals in their leadership development journey nationwide, across all disciplines. This conference provides professional development that addresses leadership and management skill development critical for building confidence in today's Extension Leaders.
"Expanding and Strengthening my Academic Networks at the Twelfth International Conference on Health,
Wellness and Society"
Celina Wille, Utah/Iota Chapter - Richard Angus Professional Development Scholarship
Early in September, I attended and presented at this international conference on our nutrition education work at USU Extension with culturally diverse audiences during the pandemic. . The conference was hosted by the School of Human and Community Development at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa and it was focused on building an epistemic community where academicians can make linkages across disciplinary, geographic and cultural boundaries. Attending round tables, poster sessions and presenting exposed me to innovative ways I can expand Extension health and wellness initiatives I am involved in, helped me learn health promotion strategies for people of diverse backgrounds and provided opportunities to broaden my academic networks on policies and practices in the health sciences beyond my local and national connections. I am very appreciative for the funding support I received from ESP to attend this conference as it has profoundly impacted me personally and professionally..
UCDA Affinity Group Extension Director Discussion Panel November 8
Membership Chair Open House November 15
2022 ESP Webinar Series
Wednesday, November 30: Ripple Effect Mapping of Community Garden Impacts
Wednesday, January 25: Building Community: Recognizing Implicit Bias and Microaggressions as Barriers
2023 ESP Webinar Proposals Due December 1
Scholarship and Grant Applications Due December 1
Intent to bid for the 2025 National ESP Conference Due March 1
JCEP Extension Leadership Conference February 7-9, 2023, Kansas City, Missouri
JCEP Public Issues Leadership Development Conference April 16-19, 2023 Washington D.C.
2023 ESP National Conference September 24-28 Billings, Montana
2024 ESP National Conference October 27-31 Virginia Beach, Virginia